Monday, March 9, 2009


Here is the only known painting of Shakespeare completed during his lifetime!

I know it's not book club related, but still pretty interesting!
I'm almost done with The Post Birthday World and can't wait to see how it ends!!


  1. Dork. Oh and Booo Hisss Shakespeare. I have decided to make it my life's goal to get through 30 years of teaching without teaching Shakespeare ever again. I last taught Romeo and Juliet three years ago and that is the ONLY Shakespeare (other than some sonnets) that I have ever read. I am hoping my personal mission will be reason enough to bar me from teaching 12th grade where I might be forced into .....British literature.........blech.

  2. You are a far worse person for never having read more Shakespeare, Jones!! He's the greatest writer EVER. And, Peggy, if you read this, I think we'd all agree that Tonya is subliminally asking for all 12th next year; she's up for the challenge!

    Thanks for the pic, Hannah. WS was kinda cute. :)


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Schedule 2009

--3rd or 4th Tuesday of Each Month--

January 20-- Emilia
February 17-- Hannah
March 17-- Jamie
April 29 (Wed.)--Peggy--MEET at The Little Dipper at 7:30
May 26--Melissa
June 23--Tonya
July 21--Meroe
August 17--Elizabeth
September 22--MYSTERY MONTH
October 22 (Thurs)--Brenda
December 3 (Thurs)--Holiday Party